What are the lessons learned today and for the future by the Bold Alligator 2012 exercise?
Special Report on Bold Alligator 2012
April 5, 2012
We have posted a special report on Bold Alligator 2012, which looks at the evolution of the Expeditionary Strike Group. We have as well posted a briefing which provides an overview to some of the topics discussed in the Special …
[ Read more ]Bold Alligator 2012: 8 Images of Change
April 5, 2012
Recently, the USN-USMC team completed the largest “amphibious” exercise in more than a decade along with core allies. But what did people see? What did they recognize in the exercise and focus upon? Because it is called an amphibious exercise, …
[ Read more ]“There is a Tsunami of Change Coming” or the Osprey and Bold Alligator 2012
March 28, 2012
Shortly after the Bold Alligator 2012 exercise, Second Line of Defense sat down with Lt. Col. Boniface to discuss his experiences during Bold Alligator 2012. As the Osprey squadron commander involved in the exercise, he was in charge of the …
[ Read more ]The T-AKE Ship in Bold Alligator 2012: An Interview with Captain Little of the USNS Robert E. Peary
March 28, 2012
Second Line of Defense visited the USNS Robert E. Peary (T-AKE 5) while it was in port in Norfolk. The ship caught our eye while we were covering Bold Alligator 2012 because of the first operational engagement of an Osprey …
[ Read more ]Before Bold Alligator: USMC Amphibious Operations Circa 1970
March 25, 2012
Second line of Defense asked Col. Mike Osajda USMCR (ret) to discuss his experiences as an Amtrac Platoon Commander during the Vietnam War. He begins his narrative by pointing out that his tactical doctrine was defined by “Appendix I to …
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