The Honorable Edward Timperlake recently served as Director, Technology Assessment, International Technology Security (OSD). He was the DOD representative to the National Counterintelligence Executive Committee (NCIX-DNI) and principal DOD liaison to FBI for their Government wide CI “Critical National Asset” project. Additionally he traveled throughout Iraq to catalogue contraband conventional weapons that violated international embargoes. From 1996 to 1999, he served as a member of the professional staff of the Committee on Rules, U.S. House of Representatives, and was assigned by the Chairman to be his investigator on illegal foreign money contributions to political parties.
In 1989, he was confirmed by the Senate as the first Assistant Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs for Congressional and Public Affairs and then in a reorganization he was the first Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs.
His military service was as a Marine Fighter Pilot, and Commanding Officer of VMFA-321 He is a Vietnam Veteran. His education was at the United States Naval Academy BS, and his graduate work was at Cornell University, MBA.
He has co-authored three books:
- Showdown, Why China Wants War with the United States, co-author, Regnery Press, May 2006.
- Red Dragon Rising, Communist China’s Military Threat to America, co-author, Regnery Press, 1999. (new expanded paperback published April 2002)
- Year of the Rat, How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash, co-author Regnery Press, 1998. (New York Times Best Seller, 22 weeks, new expanded paperback published in 2000)