A Transformative Moment: Associated Press (AP) becomes Associated Bloggers (AB)

By Ed Timperlake

“Clinton Inc.” In Partnership with the Press vs. Donald Trump: A “How-Goes-It” Moment

Will the media be greatly empowered to be the judge, jury and very public executioner of what and who is acceptable in the great American debate about our lives and future?


Within two days of publishing the above article, the Associated Press in one of the most contextually dishonest piece of reporting in this election cycle has just published “The Big Story.”

Clinton’s 1995 Beijing speech: A ‘transformative’ moment By JOCELYN NOVECK Aug. 20, 2016 2:39 AM EDT

“In the end, Clinton decided to make the trip, hoping to ‘push the envelope as far as I can on behalf of women and girls.”


And so it starts after eight years of many ideological fellow travelers, in the disguise of independent journalists, making excuses for President Obama and screaming racism at legit critics, the future path of how they would handle a a Hillary Clinton Presidency, has been presaged.

If Secretary Clinton wins she will marry up an ideologically driven group the liberal press, with lemming like pols along with the glitz and power of Hollywood.

Very quickly “state sponsored messaging” will hit with such a force that America will have never seen.

With the swearing in of President Hillary Clinton, America will enter a new era of PC indoctrination like we have never ever experienced.

Specifically focusing on the Clinton’s and China is in the AP article is VERY 1984 “Memory Hole.”

According to wiki:

A memory hole is any mechanism for the alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts, or other records, such as from a websiteor other archive, particularly as part of an attempt to give the impression that something never happened. 

The concept was first popularized by George Orwell’s dystopian novelNineteen Eighty-Four, where the Party’s Ministry of Truth systematically re-created all potential historical documents, in effect, re-writing all of history to match the often-changing state propaganda. These changes were complete.

This AP article is clearly part of the gathering storm and will shape our ability to have realistic and credible solutions to the world as it is and becoming, rather than the world described by the Main Stream Media (MSM) and the world of political correctness.

It appears that many “I’m With Hillary” supporters in the Media just cannot stop themselves.

But once their credibility is finished Hillary’s Campaign is finished.

If HRC wins without any real examination of her record by AP, the MSM will continue marry up their validated battle proven power to destroy.

This “memory hole” AP story must be remembered as harbinger of things which could come.

The reporter Jocelyn Noveck has sunk into a memory hole or provided a “big wet kiss” to the Clinton campaign.

I first heard a newspaper cliché from an honest reporter covering the Clintons in the nineties that in response to a pandering dishonest article: it was called “a big wet kiss.”

To celebrate Bill’s Birthday, Hillary’s Campaign and their two decades of successful criminality, they just got a “Big Wet Kiss” from AP.

All America should examine Secretary Clinton’s commitment to human rights and protecting women, by seeing a perfect example of saying one thing and doing quite another in the pursuit of her own definition of self interest.

The Clintons have pursued power and money with regards to China; it is not about supporting women’s rights.

The nothing but the truth, the whole truth, of what occurred in the time frame of the Big Story is captured in Year of The Rat and associated Congressional testimony at the time.


Both are extremely well documented, have stood the test of time against severe critics, and is the historical truth of the real “transformative-moment” with First Lady Hillary Clinton and President Clinton and the Peoples Republic of China.

It is an ugly tale of greed and putting themselves above the National Security sacred trust of President Clinton’s oath of Office.

Are you going to believe AP or your own eyes:



Why can’t AP do a modicum of research from the staggering obvious; “ripped from today’s headlines”-Ng Lap Seng was just released on $68,000,000 bail!

All America should examine Secretary Clinton’s commitment to human rights and protecting women, by seeing a perfect example of saying one thing and going quite another in the pursuit of her own definition of self interest.

Ng Lap Seng, who used to visit Bill and Hillary in the White House residence in 1996 after carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars into US, had trouble speaking English. He was a Triad member, Communist Party Official who owned a hotel in Macau known for exploiting women by facilitating prostitution.

He was just released on $68,000,000 in bail, so AP when you go national with an article about :

“Hillary had become a focal point in so many ways, almost all of which were negative — the fact that she didn’t give up her career … this whole phenomenon of Hillary Clinton as a first lady considered too big for her britches or uppity or unforgivably ambitious,” says Zeisler.

Ignoring the realiy of the relationship with Ng Lap Seng while claiming to be focused on human rights is more than irony.


Continuing with the AP “Big Story” memory hole, they ask this question:

“But does the moment resonate for younger generations? Clinton’s presidential campaign has struggled — especially during the primary season against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders — to capture the enthusiasm of young voters.”

Let me help the AP Editors and the reporter with the question raised about younger generations and “Feel the Burn” voters. They did “feel the burn” of the slimy collusion between DNC and the Clinton Campaign and they have every right to be outraged.

I really hope all “Feel the Burn” voters are paying attention because the DNC did successfully figure out how to collude with the Clinton Campaign to orchestrate the successful attempt to destroy Senator Sanders.

Tragically DNC perfidy robbed all Americans of the experience to vote in one of the greatest political showdowns in our history; Socialism vs. Free Market Capitalism.

It would have been a grand election experiment so truly shame on Hillary and DNC hacks.

Ironically, in another AP “Big Story,” AP underscores what the consequences of what their own behavior demonstrated in their latest “Big Story” does in terms of public confidence in the MSM.

Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media in one poll.

And this poll shows that accuracy clearly is the most important component of trust.

Nearly 90 percent of Americans say it’s extremely or very important that the media get their facts correct, according to the study.

About 4 in 10 say they can remember a specific incident that eroded their confidence in the media, most often one that dealt with accuracy or a perception that it was one-sided


Following into “a memory hole” is no excuse for AP or its journalists.



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